求一篇personal statement。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 17:06:07
简单一点的 只是个草稿 高中学生水平


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在线等 。会追加分

嗯,我也正准备写这个呢~~Due to the influence of my parents, who are both businessmen, I had been very interested in business since I was young. I am good at math since I was very young which also give me a good foundation of finance (business).写出你在这方面有没有什么天赋···(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… When I was in the middle(high) school in China, 写出你的情况来,比如参加过什么活动,获过什么奖.注意要真实,因为很多大学都会很注意你是不是抄来的··被发现就惨了···而且如果万一有面试的话,说的东西和写的不一致也不会好·· I was a member of school dancing group and also a member of school TV Station as a reporter``` I worked hard because of my ambitious nature, and thus was I have also helped my head teacher to ```` I demonstrated my academic capabilities, especially for mathematics, physics and English. I took part in ````` I enjoy working as part of a team, sharing my opinions with my team mates `````` Our team has taken part in many social presentations in ````It made me ````写点感想,例如你从中感受到什么···As for the high school·····I am an excellent student in 学习名称···再说说你的成绩··· Since my overall GPA is in ··· of 1700