
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 05:44:15
what is the current monetary and fiscal policy in China? Have there been changes over the past few years? How has the financial crisis that started just over a year ago?(when Lehman Brothers, one of the US buggest banks went bankrupt) affected both policies?

请各位大大帮帮忙~小弟实在是不会答? 连要找什麼资料都不会...... 如果有大大可以的话请帮小弟写个500字(英文)的答案 万分感激!!

教你怎么用, 上GOOGLE,点高级搜索, 语言 选英文 在输入你的问题,出来的结果都是英文的了 ,你再修修改改 应该可以了 我一直都这么做的。希望对你有用

你的分太少了 没人理你