
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:34:24
continue end earn useful attend receive idea foreign
1,I will ________a meeting at nine tomorrow morning
2, I ______a letter from my parents yesterday .
3,He______ his talk with a song .
4,She _____to talk about her children for an hour
5, Flowers are beautiful but not very ____
6,English is a _____language that is very useful to us

1. I will attend a meeting at nine tomorrow morning. 我明天九点将会出席一个会议

2.I received a letter from my parents yesterday. 我昨天受到了一封来自父母的信

3.He ended his talk with a song. 他以一首歌曲结束了他的演讲

4.She has continued to talk about her children for an hour. 她持续谈论了一个小时有关她的孩子的事

5.Flowers are beautiful but not very useful. 花很漂亮,但却不很实用

6.English is a foreign language that is very useful to us. 英语是一门对我们很有用处的外语

1. attend 明天上午九点,我将参加一个会议
2. received 昨天,我收到父母的来信了
3. ended 他以一首歌结束他的演讲
4. has continued 她持续讲她儿女的一些事情已经一个小时了
5. useful 花儿美,但并非那么有用
6. foreign 英语是一门对我们非常有用的外语

1 attend
2 received
3 continued
4 ended
5 useful
6 foreign