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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:36:54
It was 5 years after the end of Snow White’s story.
I worked in my office when one was knocking at my door.
"Come in, please," said I.
A fat woman whose skin was as white as snow came in and took off her hat. She turned toward me,"Hallo, Mr.Freud. My name is Snow White."
"Hallo, Ms.Snow White. Take a seat, please," I said, "What's the matter with you?"
"I...uh..." Snow White became embarrassed, her face was a little bit red. She said,"I just can't stop overeating. I feel uneasy if nothing is in my mouth. Therefore, I became too fat so that my husband treated me coldlier and coldlier."
"Ms.Snow White, take it easy," I said,"In my opinion, your ego is not strong to keep your id down. You always want to feel good, do whatever you want, right?"
"Yes. I think I need more control. By the way," Snow White took out cigarette case, fixing her eyes on me,an

It was 5 years after the end of Snow White’s story.
I 【was working】 in my office when 【someone knocked】 【on】 my door.
"Come in, please," 【I said.】
A fat woman 【with】 skin was as white as snow came in and took off her hat. She turned 【towards】 me,"【Hello】, Mr.Freud. My name is Snow White."
"【Hello】, Ms.Snow White. Take a seat, please," I said, "【what's wrong?】"
"I...uh..." Snow White became embarrassed, 【and】 her face 【turned】 a little bit red. She said,"I just can't stop 【eating.】 I feel uneasy if nothing is in my mouth【,and now I've become so fat】 that my husband 【is treating】 me 【colder and colder.】【 注:没有 coldlier 这个词】
"Ms. Snow White, take it easy," I said,"In my opinion, your ego is not strong 【enough】 to keep your id down. You always want to feel good 【and】 do whatever you want, right?"
"Yes. I think I need more 【self】 control. By the way,"