求初一英语翻译, 谢谢!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 16:56:08
1.我们班有一台电脑 2.他们中大多数来自美国 3.这是一张我们组的照片 4.前边那个强壮的男孩是吉姆 5.他比你强壮 6.他的一个哥哥在八年级 7.左边的女孩是露西 8.他是一个文静的女孩 9.她有一头金色的长发 10.他长得像我

1. Our class have a computer 2. Most of them from the United States 3. This is the one our group photo 4. In front of that boy is strong, Jim 5. He was stronger than you 6. One of his older brother in the eighth grade 7. the left side of the girl is Lucy 8. He is a quiet girl 9. She has a golden hair 10. He looks like me