
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 10:59:55
China is “stealing jobs” from other countries and undermining the global recovery by keeping the yuan pegged to the U.S. currency, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times last week.


按照一些人的理解人民币汇率被显著低估了。中国政府压低人民币汇率相当于补贴出口企业,使他们的竞争力增强,拿到更多的订单。这样外国的同类企业订单会减少,收入也减少,为了不亏损只能就裁员了。Krugman认为中国的这种做法(压低RMB汇率)增加了中国就业而减少别国的就业,所以说中国在“stealing jobs”

Oh, you are the feces of people face Cock. Roll your face, smell his mother speak of your uncle. You're a Cock suck, and lick their bottoms, speaks your Grandpa. Grandpa you are speaking is, indeed, the. Uncle did not like you do gymnastics.
