
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 15:02:10
"Emily来自Lincoln,她曾在Nebraska Wesleyan University、UNL,、North Arizona University三所全美排名很靠前的学校学习,学习期间一直是一个优秀的学生。当我问道她最喜欢做的事情的时候,她微笑着侧头思考,然后她给了我一个让我相当吃惊的答案,Reading, gardening, biking, cooking, eating。令我惊讶的是她竟然向我一样喜欢eating,尽管她非常的瘦。我们聊到了中国很多的传统食物,她表现出了非常大的兴趣,并且说非常希望有机会能尝尝,当我说到我会做很多中国菜的时候,她就更高兴的表示有机会一定要尝尝我的手艺。我问Emily为什么决定在UNL教书,她说At first, she worked in a publish business as an editor to write some essays. Then she wants to change an easier job to get more free time. so she became a teacher in UNL.之后我们谈到了她在这学校教书时最喜欢的事,她说她最喜欢的是the students are variety, new and fresh, atmosphere there is interesting and people are opening minded Like vacation。她不喜欢的事情就是 problem students。她说本科生中的问题学生很少,因为每个人都是有一定的基础并且有修学分的任务的,是很好教的学生。问题学生比较多的都在IEP,那里的学生比较自由散漫,基础又比较差,教起来比较困难。EMILY 认为Keys for students to perform well in her course is to be Motivation, and keeps up with daily work, participation, and also ask and answer questions.


Emily from Lincoln, she worked in Nebraska Wesleyan, UNL leads, and leads the Arizona're three ranking is in front of the school study, study period is a good student. When I asked her favorite things to do, she smiled lateral head thinking, then she gave me an answer, and I was quite surprised, gardening, Reading, biking, all out. I am surprised that she had to like me, although she was all thin. We talked a lot of traditional food in China, she shows great interest, and said to have a chance to taste very much, when I say I will do a lot of Chinese food, she was more happy said opportunity must try my skills. Emily asked me why UNL decided to teach At first, she says, she worked as an editor to publish soul write essays. Then she wants to have an easier job than to get more free time to understand. She became a student in UNL. After that we talked about her in this school, Like most things she says she likes most is the turn over, new and ever, seventh-degree is its opening mi