Too Late Now

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 06:47:52
Once there was an ass.His master was a herd seller.He gave the ass very little food and a lot of work to do.The ass felt tired and asked God for an another master.
God told him that it was not a good idea,but the ass wouldn`t listen.He was sold to a tile-maker.(顺便问问,这个单词怎么读?可以输汉字代替。或者音标,要英音。)Very soon,the ass found that he had to carry heavier loads and work harder in the brick-field(用汉字代替吧).
He then asked God for a new master.God told him this would be his last chance.This time the ass was sold to a tanner.When the ass found out baout the job of his master,he realized(用汉字代替)that he had fallen into worse hands.But is was use crying over spilt milk.
Yes。翻译ing……= =星期五就要英语比赛了,可是我就是因为不知道意思所以背不下来肋= = 杜绝“谷歌”翻译。全是假的。- -


tile-maker [tail'meikə] 太儿 枚克尔
brick-field [brik'fi:ld] 布瑞k feel d
realized ['riəlaizd] 瑞尔赖日d