
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 04:05:14
One day Galieo had a letter from a friend in Holland ,“A Dutchman here ______ a special kind of glass,”his friend wrote.”His name is Lippershey.I met him yesterday when I ______ beside a river.There was a beautiful girl on the far side of the river.I looked at her through his glass,and her face came quite close to me.I cried out with surprise.I thought that I could touch her, ______I put out my hand.Then I almost______into the water.Lippershey laughed ,because the girl was still on the far side of the river. He hasn't any copies of thin glass at present,so I can’t buy one ______ you.”
Galileo read the letter twice.Then he jumped up from his chair.”I shall make a glass like that”he cried.”I shall make a ______ ont to see girl’s faces with my own eyes.But ______ a strong glass,perhaps I shall see the face of the moon!”He began to work at onece.He didn’t need to see Lippershey’s glass.The idea was______for him,and very soon his own glass was ready.He gave it a name”the telescope“

One day Galieo had a letter from a friend in Holland ,“A Dutchman here (B. HAS MADE) a special kind of glass,” his friend wrote. ”His name is Lippershey. I met him yesterday when I (A. WAS WALKING) beside a river. There was a beautiful girl on the far side of the river. I looked at her through his glass, and her face came quite close to me. I cried out with surprise. I thought that I could touch her, (C. SO) I put out my hand. Then I almost (A. FELL) into the water. Lippershey laughed, because the girl was still on the far side of the river. He hasn't any copies of thin glass at present, so I can’t buy one (D. FOR) you.”Galileo read the letter twice.Then he jumped up from his chair.” I shall make a glass like that” he cried.” I shall make a (B. BETTER) one to see girl’s faces with my own eyes. But (D. WITH) a strong glass, perhaps I shall see the face of the moon!” He began to work at onece. He didn’t need to see Lippershey’s glass. The idea was (A. EASY) for him, and ver

阅读,完形 完形 要详细解释 Why not choose C She was determined to ___ there in time.完形 怎样学习英语阅读,完形,?是高中,我高2了,急!!!!!!!!!!! 10分!我的英语(完形,阅读)不好,但句法不错 This should give her plenty of time to get ready and ___ early enough for a good seat.完形 我英语基础不是好,听说比较差,我大一,想大二过四级,面临阅读,完形,写作这些难题,我还有希望吗? “完形填空”中,为什么叫“完形”,不叫“闭形”呢?为什么叫“形”?“完”和“形”在此的含义是什么? 英语分几类,按语法,词汇,听力..........分?初中高中的阅读,完形,综合理解属于那一类呢?那又如何提高?谢了! 我的四级考试 听力对6个 阅读对13个 单选对18个 完形10个 作文10分左右 请问我四级有可能过吗?