
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 15:39:26

Despite a couple of dull moments, Keystone's debut album, A Tear Fall in Brooklyn, is an impressive marriage of classic soul and contemporary hip-hop. Like many of their peers, the duo has a fondness for rolling hip-hop beats and pleading, soulful vocals. The record lacks any uptempo dance...

虽说有几个无聊的时段,Keystone的新专辑:A Tear Fall in Brooklyn,是一个有声有色的古典灵魂和现代hip-hop的婚姻专辑。像很多同类的专辑一样,他们有一种对于波动的hip-hop节奏和请求的特别喜爱和震撼心灵的声音...

即使有些时刻昏暗,Keystone's 第一张专辑。一滴眼泪落入brooklyn,这是一场经典婚礼和现代pop音乐的婚姻专辑。就像其他同类专辑一样,这些表演者们对rolling hip pop(是种音乐类型)的节奏,很钟爱,并深情演唱。这段录述缺少快速舞感。