急急~翻译关于潘玮柏的一篇短文 谢谢!1

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 05:23:39
Today,if there's anyone who can challenge the fame of Taiwan singer Jay Chou,it's probably Wilber Pan,who is a Taiwan hip-hop singer.Just recently he dresses like a spy for his new album"007"."007 is a famous British movie spy.I dreamed of being 007 when I was a child."Says Pan"He has fast cars and cool weapons.He is smart and brave"
There are eight songs on his new album.Wilber wrote seven of the songs himself.Wilber sings together with his friend Akon on the song"Be with You". Akon is a singer from the U.S.Wilber taught Akon a little Chinese .He also gave Akon a Chinese coat and a pupper.
Wilber Pan is a very popular hip-hop /R&B sensation in China. Born in West Viginia,United States in 1980.He had not heard a single word of English until he went to kindergarten at age 3. He could not understand what others were talking about. This made him fell like he was in. prison One day, he tried more than 30 times to escape.At

当今 ,如果说有谁可以挑战台湾歌手周杰伦的话,那个人大概就是台湾嘻哈歌手潘玮柏了。就在近日,他为了他的最新专辑《零零柒》扮妆成间谍。“007是英国著名的特工电影,我从小就梦想成为007”,潘玮柏说到,“他拥有急速跑车和精良武器 很智慧并且勇敢。”
在他的新专辑里共有8首歌(没记错应该是11首吧),玮柏自己在其中创作了7首。玮柏和他的朋友阿肯合唱了一首《be with you》。阿肯是一名美国歌手,玮柏教给阿肯一点中文,他还送了阿肯一件唐装和一只木偶。
在中国,潘玮柏是非常受欢迎的嘻哈兼R&B界红人。1980年在美国西维吉尼亚出生,在他3岁进幼儿园之前一句英文都听不懂。他不理解其他人在说着什么,这使他觉得像被囚禁。一天,他超过30次试图要逃跑,最终,他的老师发火了并喊道“玮柏 ,坐下!”虽然他听不明白 但是他知道她是生气了。后来,他的妈妈问他,“玮柏,你今天都学了什么?”他喊道“玮柏 ,坐下!”他渐渐的开始学英语,并且很快成为一个话多的人。因为这个 ,他的小学老师要求他离同学三米之外单独坐着。
后来他搬到台湾,在开始演戏和唱歌之前 潘在亚洲娱乐大公司Channel V频道做vj。2002年他开始唱歌,并以他幽默,轻松的嘻哈风格和精湛的Rap功力迅速的成为了一名炙手可热的偶像。

Today,if there's anyone who can challenge the fame of Taiwan singer Jay Chou,it's probably Wilber Pan,who is a Taiwan hip-hop singer.Just recently he dresses like a spy for his new album"007"."007 is a famous British movie spy.I dreamed of being 007 when I was a child."Says Pan"He has fast cars and cool weapons.He is smart and brave"
当今,如果说谁可以挑战台湾歌手周杰伦的名望,很有可能是台湾hip-pop 歌手Wilbe