
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:28:33
内容大概是讲 舞会上一个男人看到一个令他心动的女孩 邀请她跳最后一支舞 有点喜悦 有点悲伤 英文歌男的唱的曲调很轻快 谢谢了

应该是60年代中期的一首挺轻快的华尔兹,歌名叫The Last Waltz, 原唱者是Engelbert Humperdinck,在英国流行榜首维持了5周,自1967年9月至10月之间。下面是歌词。

I wondered should I go or should I stay
the band had only one more song to play
and then I saw you out the corner of my eyes
a little girl alone and so shy
I had the last waltz with you
two lonely people together
I fell in love with you
the last waltz should last forever

but the love we had was goin' strong
through the good and bad we'd get along
and then the flame of love died in your eyes
my heart was broken in two when you said goodbye
I had the last waltz with you
two lonely people together
I fell in love with you
the last waltz should last forever

it's all over now
nothing left to say
just my tears and the orchestra playing
la la la la la la la la la la,
la la la la la la la la la la.

I had the last waltz with you
two lonely people