
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 10:50:12
三、吃完第一道(通常是海鲜)之后,侍应会送上一杯雪葩(用果汁或香槟调制),它除了让口腔清爽之外,更有助增进吃下一道菜的食欲。 \

Modern ways as though basics already specializing in France, but always is more exquisite dishes carefully, some dining table manners, and you do not know, details below remembered certainly won't disrespect seven rules in person!
A duck, specializing is basically with red meat and wine, with white wine with sweet for dessert wine will most.
Second, eating put hand wipe his mouth with the napkin with avoid energetically rub, pay attention to the carriage. Use the napkin corner of the mouth or finger print to gently on the oil.
Third, the first (usually eat seafood), is a waitress will BeiXue flower (with fruit juice or champagne modulation), it besides make oral relaxed, more to help improve eat dish appetite. ,
Four, even more comfortable chair and sit upright, don't keep on the chair. When the body can be slightly lean forward, body, two arms tightly to hit every hedge.
Five, eat to eat western food, specializing in by the knife and fork to remembe