evan taubenfeld的boys meet girls的歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 09:24:17




Boy Meets Girl

na nanana nana na na na
na nanana nana na na na

with a bang 伴随关门的砰一声
she was there 她就在那儿
yeah she blew apart 对,她现在心烦意乱
my cover wasn't lookin' for a lover 我当时的借口不是寻找一个情人
and i crashed 而是我和你是缘分相撞

i fell apart 我心碎了
and now i'm picking up the pieces 现在回想起以前的破碎的记忆
no they'are not exactly reese's 却感觉不想我和你
but it's a start 但是我们有过故事的开始
did you ever think i'd let you go? 难道你也认为我会轻易让你离开我?(太像说给avril听了)
you're the only thing i've ever know 你是我所唯一了解的事情。

it's like twisted sister 就像当Twisted Sister乐队
meets MR. mister 遇见了Mr.mister乐队
it's like a rolling thunder 就像rolling thunder(B&#