求英文演讲稿 just you

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 13:20:27

"just you"? 是什么意思,“只有你”么?那也应该是"only you"吧。

是想表达"just be yourself" 么?


If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere

My Ski Story: You Can Make It!

Go skiing has been a dream to me, especially since I was bothered to learn skating. Don’t be afraid of ski. Let’s enjoy skiing!
Go skiing has been a dream to me, because it takes me so long to learn skating, so I take for granted it would take me forever to ski perfectly.
On the way to the ski spot, all I am thinking about is: will I fall down? What should I do if do fall? Will it hurt my body? Even though they are not questions at all to those advanced skiers, it really bothers me for a while. To be, or not to be? Just wait and see.

Got the clothes and ski equipments ready, just found there were so many people, I was totally at the sea, and didn’t know what I should do. I was a little bit sc