
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:04:52
1,Quincy took Dan to Derek's home for a visit, never imaging that five years would pass before seeing Derek again.
2,With the Louisiana Purchase,the United States acquired a larger territory in area than if you combined Britain, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.
A选项,larger territory in area than combining Britain, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.
B选项,territory larger in area than Britain, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal combined.

1.把宾语从句Five years would pass before seeing Derek again提出来看, 这里从句中的主语是five years 而不是quincy,因此造成see Derek的不是Quincy而是Five years,显然是不对的。
应当是never imagining that five years would pass before she saw Derek again.

2. than前后比较的是territory,而A中的表达相当于用territory和combining这个动作比。B比较的是territory和Britain、France etc. 这些combined在一起的土地,所以B是正确的。