
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:57:05
请假条 亲爱的老师 由于我昨天在学校游泳池游泳,不小心得了重感冒,所以不能来上课,请假两天,希望老师批准 2009年11月1日 就这么点东西,速度翻译,急用

Written request for leave (请假条)

Dear Teacher:(亲爱的老师)

As I said yesterday in the school swimming pool, do not care a bad cold, it can not come to class, leave two days, hoping that teachers would approve。(由于我昨天在学校游泳池游泳,不小心得了重感冒,所以不能来上课,请假两天,希望老师批准 )

November 1, 2009(2009年11月1日)

As I catch a cold because of the swimming in our swimming pool yesterday, and I have to be absent for two days. I will be appreciated if you approve my absence.

Nov 1, 2009

Ask for leave
Dear sir/madam,I'd like to ask for 2 days'leave for the bad cold I got in the school's swiming pool yeaterday.
thanks for your understanding.

nov.1, 2009

Written request for leave because of my dear teacher in the school swimming pool yesterday, I do not care a bad cold, it can not come to class, leave two days, hoping that teachers would approve November 1, 2009