
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 03:28:20
10. (A) He prefers to work part time.
(B) He wants to change his class schedule.
(C) He’s having a difficult time finding a
part-time job.
(D) He doesn’t want to work on campus.
听力原文:10. W: you won't have to look very hard to find a job on campus. But I don't think you'll find anything that isn't just part-time.
M: That suits me. Anything more than that, and I have to change my class schedule.
Q: What does the man mean?

13. (A) He hasn’t talked to his brother since he
(B) He doesn’t think his brother should
(C) His brother doesn’t want to transfer.
(D) He hadn’t heard the news about his

13. W: I hear that your brother is planning to transfer to another university
M: not if I can talk him out of it. And believe me, I'm trying.
Q: what does the man imply?

W: 你不用担心在校园里难找到工作。但我认为你找到的工作除了兼职的,就没有别的。
M: 那刚好.如果不是兼职的话,我就必须得改变我的课程安排了。

W: 我听说你兄弟正准备转学到其他大学。
M: 除非我能劝他不这么做。我相信我可以,我正在努力。