一个短文翻译 1句话20分哦~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 01:33:06
P0 年龄不同,保湿重点应放在哪里?

p1 20多岁的年轻肌肤

p2 缺水表象:因荷尔蒙分泌比较旺盛,皮脂和汗腺分泌也多,造成皮肤偏油,痘痘增多,毛孔粗大,过敏和干燥脱皮现象也时有发生。

p3 护理对策:即使皮肤并不感到特别干燥,也要时刻注意肌肤的保湿,只有水分充足的肌肤才能预防细纹的产生。

p4 没必要使用那些油分较多的高保湿产品,清爽不油腻的化妆水是你不错的选择。

p5 30多岁的成熟肌肤

p6 缺水表象:此时肌肤在慢慢进入衰退期,皮肤缺乏水分和弹性,肤色暗淡无光泽,各种斑点将会陆续出现在脸上,细小皱纹也不知不觉地爬上了脸。

p7 护理对策:这时候,单纯的化妆水已不能满足肌肤的要求,那些能淡化色斑,抚平小皱纹,长效美白,兼具营养保湿功效的美白润肤水才能给肌肤最好的呵护。

p8 30多岁的衰老肌肤

p9 缺水表象:随着荷尔蒙代谢的缓慢,皮肤分泌油及留住水分的功能也将随之退化,肌肤干燥愈发明显,吸收能力开始减退,嘴角、眼睛及额头的皱纹渐渐加深,肤质也变得粗糙,暗哑。

p10 护理对策:适合基础护理的一般性护肤品已不能达到保养效果,如专门针对成熟及老化肌肤研制的强力抗衰老修复型产品才是你的首选。

1句话20分 翻的好可以追加 不要用粘贴的灵格斯 或者谷歌 贴上来好么

P0 What's the skin care focus for different age groups?

p1 Skin of young people in their 20s

p2 Dehydration symptoms: High hormone production leads to more active sebum and sweat gland secretion, the result is oily skin, with more acne and larger pores. Therefore allergy and peeling off of skin is common.

p3 Care Solutions:
Even your skin is not very dry, you still need to be more careful to maintain skin moisture. Only adequate moisture can prevent fine cracks.

p4 There's no need to use greasy moisturizing products. Fresh and non-greasy lotion is a good choice.

p5 People in their 30s with mature skin

p6 Dehydration symptoms: During this age, your skin enters aging stage, with less moisture and elasticity. Skin color turns to pale and toneless. Various speckles start to appear on your face. And fine lines silently creep on your face as well.

p7 Care Solutions: Now lotion is not enough