
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 07:22:51
《由于中西方社交礼仪上存在着差异,中西方人士在社会交往活动中常常会发生误会和冲突,其根本原因则是文化环境的差异形成的认知差异。本文主要分析了中西 方礼仪在称谓称呼、见面交往礼节、宴客方面、禁忌与习俗、公务场合等的差异,归纳出中西方社交礼仪的各自特点,同时揭示了形成中西方礼仪差异性的社会环境 和价值观等因素。》

Because of social etiquette in the West that there are differences between Chinese and Western people in social interaction activities, is often misunderstanding and conflict, its root cause is the differences in the cultural environment of the cognitive differences in the formation. This paper analyzes the rituals in the title in the West call, meet with interaction rituals, banquets, the taboos and customs, public occasions, such as differences in social etiquette and Western sum up the respective characteristics of the formation of the West also revealed the differences in social etiquette the environment and values, and other factors. "
Social etiquette;
Differences in the West;
Their special characteristics;
Performance and causes of