
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:37:06
一个真正的魔术师可以用我们随时看到的任何一样东西来变魔术,不需要任何道具 例如一枚硬币

XX has showed lots of daily life magic to us , I'm going to show your guys real magic.
A real magician can use whatever we see in anytime without any props,
for example,a coin.


XX has showed us some magics in our daily life , now ,I'm going to show you some real magics .
An real magician can use whatever in sight to create magic without any props ,for instance , a coin.

XX just performed normal illusions with props. Now, I'm going to perform to all of you the real illusions.
A illusionist can play tricks with anything. It doesn't have to be a prop, simply like a coin.

just now, xx has playes some magic tricks which often happened in our daily life. Right now, let me give you a real magic show.
A good magician can play magic tricks without professional tools,but any normal thing our eye could see, for example, just a coin.