Does anyone know about the Bonfire Night in England??

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 08:18:46

Bonfire Night happens every year on the 5th of November to celebrate the failure of the gunpowder plot by Guy Fawkes in which a group of 13 Catholic extremists trying to return England to the Catholic faith tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605 when the Protestant King James I, his sons and most of the people were still inside.

Guy Fawkes had rolled 36 barrels of gun powder into the cellars and was waiting for the King when guards broke in and arrested him. They were tortured in the tower of London and killed.

Bonfire night celebrations in the UK involve the building and burning of bonfires, with "guys" to represent Guy Fawkes being burnt on top of the bonfires, Bonfire Night firework displays are held throughout the UK and many people let of fireworks in their backgardens with sparklers given to the children and bonfire night parties run throughout the night. In the days leading up to bonfire night children use the "guys" to a