
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 01:28:14
很高心收到你的来信。我认为每天运动是必不可少的,它能够使我们变得更加强壮和健康,但是要适量做运动,合理安排你的时间。例如,当你长时间学习后,应当去打一会篮球,放松一下自己;或者做一个计划表,限制一下你打篮球的时间,做到劳逸结合。学习的时候要全神关注,不断提高自己的成绩。 以上是我的看法,希望能够帮助你。

It is very pleased to receive your letter. I think it is essential for every day campaign, which will enable us to become more strong and healthy, but to moderate exercise and reasonable arrangements for your time. For example, when you have time to learn, he should play for a basketball court, relax yourself; or make a schedule, limiting the time what you play basketball, so that work and rest. Learning time to give full attention to, constantly improve their performance. The above is my opinion, want to help you.