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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 03:47:49
People used to say” Behind every successful man there‘s a woman.” It means that women often sacrifice their own career to help their husbands or sons. In China, the position of women in the society has been changing since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Today, instead of being housewives, more and more women are going to find their own professions. Now, women are playing important roles in various fields. But do we satisfy only because we have a job? No! We also need respect, need social recognition!
From my point of view, the most important thing we need to do is to be independent--- both physically and mentally. I have read a book named< Jane Eyre >. This is a story about a special woman who has been struggled for her ideal life fearlessly. The story can be looked as a symbol of the independent spirit. In the story, Jane Eyre was economic independence---- she got her job to be a tutor after long years of struggle. More importantly, Jane Eyre was se

第一句"people used to say人们过去常说"不大好,改为there is an ancient saying
第二句 their own careers 因为career可数
第三句 has been changed a lot, founding 改为establish更专业
第四句 are going to 改为 are more willing to
第五句 we 指代不清,改为women

第二段 把we改掉,或者解释一下你也是女的,- -,我是个男的,读着觉得很奇怪

I read a book(动作已经完成,没必要用现在完成时)
can be seen as(比look好)
got her job as a tutor

第三段 and be pround of(be不可以省略)

最后一段 第一句不能用and 连接, 主语不一致. 应该另起一句It has shown
the sentence 改为saying谚语

第一句我认为应该用"it is said……"这是一个不会错且更为标准的说法
