长汀县2007 2008学年第一学期期中质量检查八年级试题英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 16:13:08
长汀县2007 2008学年第一学期期中质量检查八年级试题英语的答案

听力:1-5BAECD6-10AAABC11-15BBCAB16-20maria,kangkang,hospital,get,flowers。单项选择:21-25ABCBB26-30AABCB31-35CCBBC完形填空:BBAAACBACB补全对话:46-50GFCBD阅读理解51-55FTTFT56-60CBCAB61-65AACCA66-70:club,careless,ill,visitors,enough。71-75:grow up,give up,more more,do best,Chinese medicine。76-85:well,busy,finish,night,late,early,tired,healthy,again,windows。86:My favorite sport is tennis。87:I am going to play basketball。88:Beijing held the 2008 Olympics。89:we should wash our hands before meals。90:would you mind not playing soccer here?作文:Hello,Boys and girls!Everyone wants to be healthy,so I am have to tell you something about it.First,enough sleep is important to your health.so you should not often work or watch tv too long.second,you must eat healthy food.drink enough water every day.you should eat more friut and vegetables.a cup of milk and an egg a day can help make you strong.remember to wash your hands before meals.third doing exercise is a good way to keep healthy.go to see a doctor when you fell ill