
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:05:46
西藏作为中国宗教城市之一,既有美丽的高原雪域风光,又有艳丽的南国风采,再加上这种与大自然相融合的西藏居民建筑,使西藏在旅行者眼中具有了真正独特的魅力。至今,还有许多藏族人的生活习俗与高原之外的现代人有着很大的距离,也正由于距离的产生,才使西藏的居民建筑更具有独特的艺术性。城市近代化进程以及对西式建筑的接收相对滞后,城市历史的发展无时不刻影响及制约着城市建筑活动的展开,但建筑活动的发展也很清晰地反映了城市历史的发展进程以及宗教对人们居住环境的影响。藏族居民建筑不仅作为社会历史的活化石, 更重要的是表现了一种经济基础和意识形态。纵观藏族居民的建筑文化, 不论是寺庙建筑, 还是民居建筑, 无不充分地显示出丰富的藏传宗教内涵和悠久独特的藏区风情及民俗特点, 同时也反映出藏族人民的思想感情以及能工巧匠的审美观念和艺术情趣, 形成了与独特的自然环境、宗教和民俗文化、相映衬的建筑风格。

Tibet as one of the cities of religion in China, both the beautiful scenery of snow-covered plateau, another gorgeous southern style, coupled with the nature of this fusion of residential building in Tibet, Tibet in the eyes of travelers with a truly unique charm . So far, there are many Tibetan people live outside the modern customs and the plateau has a great distance, is also generated due to the distance only to the residents of Tibet, even has a unique artistic construction. Urban modernization process and the right to receive Western-style building is lagging behind the city kept the historical development of urban influence and restrict the start of construction activities, but the development of construction activity is also clearly reflected in the development process of the city's historical and religious right People living environment. Tibetan residential building not only as a social history of the living fossil, more importantly, the performance of an economic base