
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 01:18:10
1、● 负责学院团员的日常档案管理工作
● 推优参加入党积极分子培训
● 团费的收缴工作
● 院团日活动的策划和协调工作
2、组织一个5人小组完成法学社会实践活动:包括周边个体户生存状况调查;大学生婚姻法调查;课堂案例分析;PowerPoint制作及课前小讲堂● 调查新农村建设所取的成绩
● 总结出政府领导农民发展经济的思路
● 提出合理的建议
3、● 接待各公司、企事业单位的招聘人员
● 负责本小组人员工作安排
● 负责与就业指导中心和后勤部门联系
● 由于出色表现获得就业指导中心负责人的嘉许

1.In charge of the documentation management of the league members in the college.
1)Recommend outstanding students to join the training of admission to the Party.
2)Collect member fees.
3)Planning and collaboration for the League Member Day.

2. Organization of a group of 5 students to do social practice regarding laws, including:
1)Investigation of the survival situation of the private businesses surrounded the college.
2)Investigation of Marriage laws for college students.
3)Case study for the class.
4)Making slides and preparation for a short course before the normal class.
5)Investigation of the achievement of project to build a new village.
6)To sum up the way the government leads peasants to develop economy.
7)Come up with reasonable suggestions.

1)Reception of recruiters from companies and institutions.
2)In charge of work arrangement for the group members.
3)Incharge of contact with ca