
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:24:00
我是酒店管理专业大一的学生。大二的时候会有一些国际级的五星酒店来学校招人实习, 面试过关了就去实习一年 再接着回来上学。。谁帮我面试时该注意的,或者英语方面的,大概会怎么问,该怎么回答呢?


我也补过楼上有提过的ABC夫下在线 同学跟我说是s.不错的英语中心..

英语学习讥构优秀的很多,但不能说每个都会适合你。ABC夫下英语课程挺有.好.针对性的 课程是帮我量身制定的,我觉得介格还是不错的,这样的学习也应该能够提供给你很大的进步 我就进步很多了;Good morning, my name is Zhang Jie, I come from Shanghai. Now, I am here, as many other contestants, I love the job in hotels.
。I graduated in ?? school(你毕业的院校), I major in computer __(编程(programming)还是设计(designing)), but I'm not willing to that I can only do tngs over the computer.
。I hope that I can get the chance to realize my dream, maybe I am not as good as others, but I will still try my best to get the job, I thank you all.
。其实词不重要,主要要生动 比如配上一些搞笑的成分或者展示你的聪明的表情,不然会看起来很死板。

They will look for good attitude, apearance, posture and knowledge. Smile, show good listening,pay attention to details,stand straight, make eye contact, dress neat, and knowledge.
