
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 17:11:30
3.我还未成熟到可以原谅背叛, 我仍未能一心一意的爱他,爱到受伤了仍能和他紧紧拥抱. 我输了
4.梦想实现和得到幸福,为什么不是相等的事情呢? 我到现在都还是不明白啊!
8.想变的幸福,心却在摇摆. 好几次伤害了谁,也伤害了这样的自己. 真的有幸福的终点这种东西吗?

1.Then, I have decided that I don't want to fall in love. But, no matter how much damage by with pain, still want to do it again, want to dream love a person sincerely. Next, find a love a man good indifference, find a face I wayward vexatious, not by heart, but at least their quarrel, after the flower, I will send to love me, I said that man.
2.The pain, the more valuable the, a truly alive.
3.I have not mature enough to forgive, I still failed to betray his wholehearted love, love to hurt and he still can hug. I lost.
4.Dreams and happiness, why not equal? I now have still not understand!
5.This kind of thing, sometimes I feel helpless. But sometimes I feel so lonely.
6.Results everyone is lonely, no matter how close, still cannot become one, let a person belongs to oneself, it is not possible.
7.Man is not only speak truth can understand each other.
8.Want to become happy, but in the heart. Several times, but also damage who you hurt yoursel