
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 16:37:19
取微波针状探头:HNJD1、JD2、JD3,功率35~55W。或取刀状探头,D9、D10型号,功率45~75W。 手术方法,病人取截石位,以5%碘伏棉球消毒,以0.5%的利多卡因沿肛周做浸润麻醉,成功后,铺无菌洞巾。取探头接触并刺入接触点,待痔核萎缩后,以刀状探头切除或无菌剪刀剪除痔核,直到静脉血管根部,彻底清除痔核。创面平整,切不可伤及肛周肌层,同样逐个痔核切除。

Take HNJD1 microwave needle detector: JD2, JD3, power, 55W 35 ~. Or take knife, D10, shape, power D9 is 45-75W. Surgical method, patient, take cut stone by 5% in cotton disinfection, iodine fell 0.5% of lidocaine infiltrating anesthesia along perianal do, after the success of the shop DongJin sterile. Take probe contact and Pierce the contact point, stay with nuclear atrophy naevus after resection, or aseptic sword shape probe, cut off the naevus scissors until the veins, thoroughly remove hemorrhoid nuclear. At level, must not hurt and perianal jiceng, also one nuclear resection hemorrhoids.