
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:59:56
标题:The Velocity Dilemma
Another aspect of the gating picture that needs and is receiving attention is gate velocity. Until the advent of electronic instrumentation, little thought is given to this parameter in most die casting shops. Some students of the process are vaguely aware that there is not complete freedom to roam up and down the gate velocity scale at will. Die casting engineers have often told of grinding the gate to change its direction only to find the casting quality deteriorating*. What was happening was that as they enlarged the gate area they reduced the gate velocity, virtually canceling the possible benefits of their efforts at redirection[1] .
A survey and analysis of hundreds of gating systems in successful production dies showed a peak in the velocity distribution curve in the range of 100-150 ft/sec for aluminum and 80-120 ft/sec for zinc. Researchers who have explored the influence of gate velocity at some length have frequently reported a “no man’s lan


为了进一步了解的大门速度的作用,DCRF目前赞助下,华莱士在凯斯西储大学的额外工作。通过对高速摄影手段(5 000帧/秒)的速度对金属孔板从门新兴流性质的影响正在研究之中。在这几件事中汲取了时间。
真正坚实的前面流是一个神话。低至速度的15英尺/秒被视为产生fanlike喷雾。在较高速度的飘带,往往分成粗的字符串组成的离散*球。在更高速度,颗粒变得非常的罚款。这可能是流动排序提到死脚轮的“雾”,“雾化”,后流速度方面的建立等性质以及这些模式的边界地带的决定,这些因素将相关与铸件质量。内部和表面质量最优,可能很可能发生在完全不同的速度范围的大门。读者应该记住,我们一直提到的金属流的性质后,立即从门孔和飞跃出现到模腔空地。显然,在实际工作上流开始作为一项喷雾很可能是由撞击*放缓到其原来的速度小部分少一个或两个连续*的模具的回旋* [2墙]。因此,那些谁清楚地观察到鼻轮,固体流后的金属已经从门口有一段距离方面是不是在做梦。事实上,很可能是由于流墙上反弹从一个到另一个,它不可能保持足够的速度继续成为液态金属颗粒喷雾。