another\the others和the other的区别

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 00:51:47
前几天做英语试卷看到another\the others和the other不知道要怎么区别,顺便吧题打出来
1)I don't like the colour of the T-shirt.Would you show me____one?
A.the other B.other C.another D.the other
2)The smiths have visited two fanous cities.One is in Japen and ____is in China
A.another B.other C.others D.the other

another 又一;再一;另一(事物或人) another后可接①单数名词;②of+复数名词;③数字+复数名词。
例子:1 Would you like another drink?
2 'Finished?' 'No, I've got another three questions to do.'
3 We've still got another forty miles to go.
4 I got another of those calls yesterday.
the others 表示三者或三者以上中其余的,另外的
the other 表示两者中的另一个。

1)c 2)d

佩服... zwdym05
补充一点: another 是用于无特定对象的情况,,例如题目1中就是指"其它的(任意)衣服";;如果用 "the other" 的话,就变成了指定的另外一件衣服!,就如第2题中的,指定的另外一个城市..

1,other+名词复数 例句:have you think of other peopleo?
2.代复数:have you ever think of the others?
3,另一个,事物分为两个,一个怎么样,另一个怎么样。例句:this apple is delicious,the another one is delicious too
4一分为二,one。。the other

