
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 16:55:57
题目:Leaving school
1)old school life
2)your schoolmates and teachers
3)your future plan

my name is *** ,i am in 9th grade at *** school.I go to school for 5 days every week.There are many subjects like Science ,PE (自己添)and so on。
分段 my favourite lesson is ***然后下面写最喜欢的原因什么
还可以写写自己与同学的关系(I have many good friends ,I share my happiness and happiness with them。自己补充 )在介绍自己的老师 最好只介绍一个 he or she is so patient that he or she often spends a lot of time explaining things to us .自己补充
分段 my dream is *** because***(例如:I want to be a teacher like Mrs、Mr+上一段写到老师的姓,because I can teach my students many

希望对你写作有帮助 我也初三了 要一起加油啊^^
