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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:26:40
Office Automation is likely to become
one of the fastest-growing and most significant new industries of the century.
It well apply electronic technology to a
broad new set of applications and bring
significant change to mang of the ways
in which people and organizations work-
augmenting their capabilities and increasing both the quantity and quality
of their contributions.

Office Automation is likely to become one of the fastest-growing and most significant new industries of the century.
Office Automation 主语is系动词likely为副词修饰系动词表示程度,to become …… of the century为表语,其中表语部分中become动词industries为中心词,其他的都是修饰它的

It well apply electronic technology to a broad new set of applications and bring significant change to mang of the ways in which people and organizations work-augmenting their capabilities and increasing both the quantity and quality of their contributions
先找主干,主语是it谓语好几个,有apply, bring, augment, increase,
2.再看bring,宾语是change,表示带给mang of the ways变化,而in which 做后置定语修饰前面的ways, in which后面的people and organizations为主语work是谓语,
3.augmenting和increasing之所以是-ing 的形式是因为这里引导表示由apply和bring作用后产生效果所伴随的状态和结果的句子,在两个词中,前者their capabilities为augmenting的宾语, both the quantity and quality of their contributions为increase的宾语,the quantity a