
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 01:21:53
片子一开始,摩尔窃用全美步枪协会的宣传片资料宣说:“The movie is presented by the National Rifle Association”(本片由全美步枪协会推荐),真是极尽讽刺之能事。整部影片前半段,摩尔自导自演,以说服观众到在美国要获得一把枪或子弹是何其容易的事。首先,摩尔到一家地方银行开户,原因是这家银行招睐客户开户的手段:免费赠送一把枪。在片中,当摩尔拿到这把枪时,很兴奋地举起枪(象征为科伦拜恩高中奋战的开始),当片头音乐(Teenage Fanclub所唱的Take the Skinheads Bowling)结束,在一连串美国步枪的电视广告中,摩尔竟然将自己举枪(像要打猎的样子)跟全美步枪协会理事长Charlton Heston(好莱坞电影明星)在电影里举枪镜头(打什么不知道)以正、反拍的镜头互相剪接在一起。从这里,不难预料影片最后,摩尔会有一场他跟Charlton Heston面质全美步枪协会影响美国黑枪文化的访问。

摩尔善用风趣却讽刺的方式让观众认识美国式的生活(American Way of Life)。例如:在访谈镜头中,在赞成私人持有枪枝以护卫恶人闯入家园的美国人面前,他挑衅问说:“Why not use Gandhi's way? He didn't have guns, and he beat the British Empire”(为什么不用甘地的方法?他没有用枪,一样击退了大英帝国)。他甚至用一些统计数据资料跟其他工业先进国家比较每年所发生的枪杀事件,而之中,最令人不可思议的是,美国的邻国--加拿大的枪枝拥有率比美国多得多,可是互相射杀的机率却少之又少。他在影片中举的两个例子,让人真的觉得美国黑枪文化或害怕别人闯进家里的可笑。一是:地理环境上与底特律相对峙的加拿大城市Windson,两年里只有一启凶杀案,而且,还是从对面底特律跑来的美国人跑过来干的好事。二是:在多伦多大城里的居民,不管人在不在家,从不锁门的!摩尔以身作则,跑去多伦多住宅区偷开人家的门,不但真的没有锁门,最后离开时,摩尔不仅谢谢刚好在家的主人跟他的访谈,临走前还说:“Thank you for not shooting me.”(谢谢你没有开枪打我)还有,这支纪录片中还用了一段动画"Theor

佳答案First of all, Jim Good at field survival, ingenuity, smart and capable, at the Mississippi River with Huck on drifting, he used a few pieces of wood in the raft built up a shanty and shanties to stay two years, as living in comfortable home. In addition, Huck has the ability to think independently, I will use their brains, when the little girl dressed as Huck secretly go through the river near the town inquire situation, came back, put him Huck dialogue and middle-aged women 151 Shiquan tell Jim to listen to, and as he fled on board very quickly see through the "Prince" and "King" is a liar, when Huck tells the famous story of King Solomon trial, praised the wisdom of Solomon when Jim has sharply Solomon points out the apathy. Moreover, although the day-to-day occasions, Jim probably realized some木讷, but when facing a crisis, he can always be minded resourcefulness, action agile, adaptable skills can be comparable with the Huck. For example, because someone sh