英文翻译 用软件的不要进了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 06:58:48
A marketer can rarely satisfy everyone in a market. Not everyone likes the same soft drink, automobile, college, and movie. Therefore, marketers start with market segmentation. They identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who might prefer or require varying products and marketing mixes. Market segments can be identified by examining demographic, psychographic, and behavioral differences among buyers. The firm then decides which segments present the greatest opportunity—those who need the firm can meet in a superior fashion.


"those who need the firm can meet in a superior fashion."


"those whose needs the firm can meet in a superior fashion."

营销者很少能满足某市场中的每个人。不是每个人都喜欢同样的饮料,汽车,大学,和电影。因此,营销者应该先着手于市场划分。他们识别而且勾画出明确不同类型, 对产品或者营销方法的搭配有不同需要或者兴趣的客户。 市场分类可以按照人口性质上,心理上和行为上的差异来确认。 公司然后决定哪些市场分类可以带来最大的商机-该分类的需求可以由此公司来给与最佳的满足。