
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 11:18:12
红尘自有痴情者 people are always blind when they fall in love.

莫笑痴情太痴狂 there is no need to tease these people who have been blind in love.

若非一番寒澈骨 if there is no frost in the winter,
那得梅花扑鼻香 how can you expect the amazing smell from the plum blossom?
问世间情为何物 try to find out what is love on earth,
只教人生死相许 which makes people disregarding the death
看人间多少故事 hearing so many stories in one life,
最消魂梅花三弄 I believe the 梅花三弄 is the most affecting one.


the three romances of Meihua(建议直接用梅花,英语中梅花名字一个比一个怪,不怎么有美好的象征)

the first romance makes ppl so dolorous in their love story.
the second romance so elusory to the lovers.
the third romance was so terrific bye-gones that ever we loved.
deep in the cloud and mist,
that our romance of our romantic love stories gone with the river...