
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 08:52:36
5. The guy got promoted not so much by his utter devotion to his work as by fawning upon his supervisor.
6. When I was at school, on no account were we allowed to answer the teachers back.
7. The value of the information cannot be overestimated.
8. We are none the wiser for your explanation.
9. How can anyone hope to be a political leader who doesn’t even know what his neighborhood are thinking?
10. There are not without examples in the world where a country is developing its economy at a high speed by introducing advanced techniques and equipment from abroad.

5. 那家伙升职更多的是靠讨好上司,而非出色工作。
6. 我们上学的那会,是绝对不允许反问老师问题的。
7. 信息的价值不能被过分夸大。
8. 对于你的解释,我们仍旧不懂。
9. 连自己的邻居都不了解的人怎么能奢望成为一个政治领袖呢?
10. 靠引进别国的技术和设备快速发展本国经济的国家在世界上也不是没有先例。