谁有‘Paper writing or an email,which do you prefer?’的英语命题作文?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 01:05:03


Paper writing or an email

Young people nowadays tend to write email each other more often than Paper writing to each other. That leads some people to the worry that email will kill letter writing. As a matter of fact, the worry is groundless. In my view, email will never kill letter writing and I prefer writing email .

Just as libraries or shops in the cyberspace can never replace the actual ones, email is the best way for communication. They are the convenient means to transmit information or express feelings. On the other hand, email have advantages over letter writing, for example, they are much faster and people can also receive other forms of medium,such as images,videos,exel files,but letters cannot. First of all,email is much cheaper than buying the writing papers. Secondly, they convey information accurately. Thirdly, unlike writing papers that are so easily damaged, emails can be kept and re-read.