这句英语什么意思呢Moreover in directing money to the poor and into the

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 00:00:50
Moreover in directing money to the poor and into the health and education systems, the package may help
unwind the grotesque global distortion that has seen poor Chinese farmers’ savings in effect help finance the debtfuelled
excesses of Western consumers.


Moreover in directing money to the poor and into the health and education systems, the package may help unwind the grotesque global distortion that has seen poor Chinese farmers’ savings in effect help finance the debtfuelled excesses of Western consumers.


...distortion that has seen poor Chinese farmers' savings in effect help finance the debtfuelled excesses of Western consumers.

that has seen (chinese farmer's [saving]) <in effect> help finance (the debt-fueled [excesses] of western consumers)
[核心名词] (加了形容的整个名词) <adv>

简化了就是distortion that sees savings help finance excesses