
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 06:26:05
我们外教过感恩节 邀请我们去他家吃饭 请问去的时候是不是应该带些什么礼物???如果带礼物带什么比较好??还有在吃饭的时候应该注意些什么

Thanksgiving Gift Idea


  Artificial turkey centerpieces and decorative accessories are good choices as gifts on Thanksgiving Day.
  * 火鸡象征的装饰品

  Candles and candle holders are excellent gift items for Thanksgiving Day and can be lit on the tables during the dinner too. They can be colorful, fragrant abd molded as Thanksgiving motifs, such as gourds and small pumpkins, or Thanksgiving figurines, such as turkeys and pilgrims.
  *蜡烛,各种各样的蜡烛,熏香 或者南瓜,火鸡外形的蜡烛

  Children will love stuffed soft toys, such as teddy bears, monkeys or birds, as their Thanksgiving gift.

  Another great idea is fresh flower arrangements, bouquets, artificial flowers in a vase or floral baskets. They will make good Thanksgiving gifts for your hosts, either to adorn their window-sills or as table centerpieces.
  *鲜花,花篮 等

  Fresh fruit baskets are appropriate gifts for Thanksgiving and signify abund