Venice 翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:06:47
At first glance,it all seems an alchemist's illusion. Take l18 flat little islands,stitch them together with nearly 400 humpbacked bridges,crisscross the landscape with 28 miles of serpentine canals. Cram this improbable space with 120 Gothic,Renaissance and Baroque churches,as many belltowers 64 convents and monasteries, a patchwork of flag-stoned piazzas. Line the canals with more than 400 pearly palaces. Add pigeons and cats, lots of them.

But Venice is, above all,a metropolis of waterways,a city whose Main Street is the extravagant,200-foot wide Grand Canal,whose people either walk or float, but never drive.

I glimpse a sleek,shiny gondola,regal as a black swan,skimming expertly between high,dark walls,Behind wrought-iron gates, a small,cobble-stoned courtyard,polished with age,almost suffocates in its lush jungle of ferns and foliage. The smell of roasting coffee wafts from a tiny cafe. I hear the distant call

不过,威尼斯,首先,水路,一个城市的大街的大都会,是奢侈,200 -英尺宽的大运河,其人步行或自由浮动,但从来没有驱动器。