
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 05:29:34
如: 1 黑色。在英语中黑色一词常与“坏的”、“邪恶的”事情相联系。如:black Monday ,开学的第一天。玩耍了一个假期或周末,又要重归课堂受纪律的约束,所以black Monday 是学生们的口头禅;另外还有black letter day倒霉的一天等。
2 白色。白色具有纯洁、无辜、善良等含义,如新娘在婚礼上穿白色礼服,代表爱情的纯洁和婚姻的贞洁;此外white day 表示吉日;a white lie善意的谎言。但是white elephant 却指保管起来费钱又费事的累赘东西。
3 蓝色。蓝色在英语中意义极为丰富,其中含义之一就是高贵、出身名门。如: blue blood ,高贵的门第和血统; blue ribbon ,一等奖、最高荣誉、最高称号,源于英国最高荣誉Carter 嘉德勋章的蓝色绶带。另外,blue也常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”。如:He looks blue today.他今天显得闷闷不乐。
4 灰色。灰色有消极、保守、暗淡之意。如: gray prospects ,暗淡的未来;但是gray collar workers 这一新词,专指从事“第三产业”——服务行业的人员,与white collar workers 和blue collar workers 相映成趣。
5 紫色。紫色是高贵、华美之色,有幸运之意。如:born in the purple ,生于皇室、贵族之家;但是a purple patch ,顺境的日子,非指紫色的补丁。
6 黄色。在英语中,yellow有“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”等意思。如:a yellow dog卑鄙的人;a yellow liver胆小鬼等。另外,yellow boy是金币的俗称,可不能译为胆小的男孩哦。
7 绿色。含义较多,有新的、年轻的之意,如:green hand 新手;也有苍白、面带病容的含义,如:You are looking green.你脸色看起来很苍白。此外,green 还有

In English each kind of color means something:

colour correlates closely with our lives, English involves color in particular phrase and the phrase is too numerous to cite individually, is all kinds of, moreover many words and expressions meaning not only has nothing to do with with the color original meaning, sometimes even is the unconcerned non-correlated matter, has slightly then easy to cause like this or such misunderstanding carelessly.
For example: 1 black.In English a black word often with “bad”, “evil” the matter relates.For example: black Monday, begins school first day.Has played a vacation or the weekend, also must again turn over to the classroom the discipline restraint, therefore black Monday is the student pet phrase; Moreover also has black letter day bad luck one day and so on.
2 white.The white has chastely, innocent, good and so on the meanings, if the bride puts on the white formal clothes at the wedding ceremony, represents love chaste a