来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 06:45:25
The client’s perception is our reality. Simply put, if the client thinks we are great, only then will we be great. If a client thinks we did a poor job, no matter how false the perception is, we did a poor job and need to improve.

Client is everything during our working. We should try in every possible ways to make them satisfied with what we did.May there are all kinds of clients we will meet and need to deal with them.But we should remember that they are always right no matter what they say or they do. We should feel thankful and never proud of it if a client thinks we did a good job and also we should not be discouragement and even give up if they think we did a poor job.Client is our goal and what we do is just to make them happy and comfortable.

Basically, what you are saying is right.
Our work should focus on the clints interest, ie, trying our best to let them feel satisfied. All we are doing should be based on our clients' perception. They are always right.

so u gotta be one of the sellers.but i don't think so in china market.and u know fuckin' why.well,just make sure that if client's ok,i mean,in case it's a fuckin' rat from a corrival of urs or it's nuts.