criminal justice act 1993 是什么法

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 17:54:33

《1993年刑事司法判例〉 英国不同于中国 他们判案是根据以前的类似案例的处理结果为参照判例来定罪量刑的 所以没有法典 都是些判例 所以翻译的时候一般不译为XXX法 而是xxx判例

Criminal is 刑事.
Justice is 司法.
Act is the law passed by the parliament.

This is the criminal law in England.

aftersea is very wrong. 案例 (case law) is the back bone of the common law system, however, or 案例 must be supported by parameteres, instead of nothing.

The Act will provide the basic boundary, while Regulations written by the government officials will spell out the details. For example, if the Act says an indictable offence requires a minimum imprisonment of 2 years, the Regulations will definite a year means 365 calendar days. If a lawyer does not agree and thinks a year is the calendar year like 2006, he can take the case to court to ask for interpretation. Any ruling will become a case law.

In a nutshell, an Act is the structure while Regulations and case laws are details.
