
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 15:20:57
标示一般都在告示牌上,它能帮我提供各种有用的信息,能帮我们指引方向,且在各个地方都能看到标示牌,比如路口,博物馆门口,各种公共场所(飞机场,公司,地铁站) ,标示也能起到警告启示作用在公共场所,提示请安静(不要乱丢垃圾,此处排队,请走此路,),标示让我们的生活更加方便!!

Label generally in the sign, it can help me to provide all kinds of useful information, can help us in every direction guidelines, and can see sign, for instance, the museum of the intersection, public places (airport, station), labeling, also can have warned revelation role in public places, please be quiet (don't litter, this way, please, let us marked), more convenient life!!


The marks providing a variety of useful information and giving directions are usurally on the bullitenboards,which you can see in anywhere,such as at crossroad,museums,and other public areas(airport,company,subway station). The mark is used as a public warning, which gives us the caution, for instance( Be quiet,Do not throw rubbish anywhere,Please wait in line, Come this way).Marks make our lives more conveniet.