waters woods·· 可数吗

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 08:20:11
goods greens arms ( 武器) glasses woods waters
请问这几个单词有哪个是可数的? 他们做主语时谓语用但还是复? 你确定才回答哦 谢谢啊

water 作为海域,水域的时候是可数名词。比如
Sunlight shimmers on the waters of the bay. 阳光在海湾的水面上闪烁。
Here the broad waters were crowded with every imaginable craft. 这儿宽阔的水面上挤满了船只,凡想象得到的船舶应有尽有。
These were uncharted waters. 这些水域深浅不明。

woods 有森林的意思,可以是复数概念,比如
The woods were resonant with the songs of birds. 鸟鸣声响彻林间。
The woods were all of oak and beech. 树林里长的都是橡树和山毛榉树。