
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 07:36:38
快乐的定义有很多 有人认为有很多钱就很快乐 有人认为和心爱的另一半在一起就很快乐 而现在的我 和朋友们在一起的时候 就是最开心快乐的
在南大我认识了XXX和XXX 和她们的认识有种相见恨晚的感觉 我们经常一起玩 只要有空 我们就会去唱歌 即使我们唱的不好 但是我们依然大声的唱着 我们经常还会去聚餐 有时候去饭店 有时候去公园烧烤 我们还约时间去逛街 天南地北的聊天 或者去其中一个人的家里去玩 自己动手做些吃的
我想 哪里有欢笑 哪里就有我们 我认为 和她们在一起 我就很开心 我希望我永远开心 我希望我们的友谊长存

People have all kinds of interpretations for happiness. some think that money brings happiness, some believe that being with loved ones means happiness, and for me, I feel most happy when i am with my friends.

I meet XXX and XXX when studying in XXX University. I feel as if we've known each other for a long time. Soon we become good friends and spend a lot of time just hanging out. sometimes we sing out really loud at karaoke, sometimes we dine out at fansy restaurants and sometimes we picnic at city parks. most of the time we just have good times together, shopping, chatting or cooking at home.

once there is us, there is laugh. I feel really comfortable when I am with them. I wish our friendship last forever!