
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 12:11:23
1 我们相处的很好
2 保持自信对成功有帮助
3 最后他想出了一个好主意
4 别担心,他没什么问题
5 她总是经历充沛的

1 We get along well
2 to help maintain the confidence of the success of
3 Finally, he came up with a good idea to
4 Do not worry, he was no problem
5 She was always abundant experience of

1. We are dealing well with each other.

2. Keeping confident is helpful for success.

3. Finally he comes up with a great idea.

4. Don't worry, he's got no problems.

5. 是精力吧: She is always energetic.