
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 00:13:21
The most apparent harm of it comes in the domain of politics.As we can discover everywhere,it is making a more and more conspicuous mockery of what democratic system should be,by declaring death in election campaigns to great politicians loyal to people but without pleasing exterior shape,who have to give way to beautiful but skin-deep demagogues who bear more resemblance to popular stars,in consequence,the whole country or the world may run a terrible and undesirable risk,whose results seem to be subversion of the assumed democratic purpose.

最明显的害处来自政治领域,我们到处可以发现越来越明显的对民主体系的嘲笑,在选举中应宣布民主体系死亡, 对没有吸引人的外貌,却忠于人民的伟大政治家,要求他们让位给与某些流行明星相似,漂亮却肤浅的煽动政客。 结果整个国家或世界冒可怕和不希望的风险,其结果看来是颠覆了期待的民主。
